Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The Silver Lining

So we got a silver.
So a lot of us are shocked. Distressed and perplexed at the Silver. But here's what I have to say to my awesome cast and crew:

So first and foremost, yes. Most of us were upset by our Silver. We were expecting more.

However, I'd like to say that that is not what we should be concerned about. So what if we're the fifth silver in a row for VJ Drama? So what if we don't get on stage to announce to everyone our results? So what if a bunch of random judges didn't appreciate our piece?

It was a great piece nonetheless. It was a fantastic run. Everyone's acting was the best we've ever had. Ensemble scenes were tight. Timing for the sounds and lights were spot on. Our set looked good. And everything ran smoothly. The piece was strong and most people who understood our piece were impressed. Even the ACJC people who spied on us. Even Mr B thought it was really good, and I quote him, "I would have given you a Gold with Honours if I were a judge!"

It was as far as we could have pushed it. It was the best we could do, and we know it because we've all invested so much time and effort into it. Plus, I think I can safely say that everyone has learned so much from doing this piece. I think that means a lot more than the Silver. Fine, the SYF judges didn't think it was that great, but then again, it's totally subjective isn't it?

We should all be happy and so so proud that we produced this awesome piece of drama and it was all sheer hard work. With a really small budget and without an external director. Some of us don't even have acting experience. Not to mention, we wrote the entire script ourselves! All of it was our own input plus Mr Young. Mr Young saved our piece, of course. But nonetheless, we all put in so much effort and came up with this awesome piece that we can call our own! I dare say no other school can say the same about their piece.

So go ahead. Tell everyone our story. But please don't be sad over the Silver. It's only what the judges think. It was still a brilliant piece, a brilliant performance. And I congratulate everyone for their efforts.

Well done everyone.