Thursday, 13 May 2010

Enough With You!

The PE dept needs to shut up. Seriously. I'm getting quite tired of the elitism.

That aside, I think I need to sit and think. I have my CTs in three weeks. And ICS night is four days before that. Where. Where do my priorities lie?

Thankfully, CC deadline for Cambridge is Monday. THANKFULLY.

My gosh. We've worked on it for eons, it's about time we submitted it to Cambridge. I think I'm more or less done with mine.

I'm gonna be mugging a lot more now. So if you see me mugging please try not to disturb. And I'm especially warning the people with low EQ. I seriously dont get it. If I'm trying to avoid talking to you, JUST STOP TALKING TO ME!!!! GET THE HINT DAMMIT. And go away!
