Wednesday, 7 April 2010

April, April

It's April, people!

Gosh. And we have exactly one month till SYF judging day. Tension builds. It's been 5 months in the making. And we're making the most major changes. Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect this. But then again, the world could use a bit less stress. Good thing is that now the teachers are getting involved and contributing to the piece. Should be okay.

Three and a half more weeks to Drama Night. If you still don't know, it's on Friday 30 April at 7.30pm. You get to watch my SYF piece, MJC SYF piece and Cinderella the musical. I'll be making an appearance in Cinderella and I might just sing for the crowd. That's all I'm saying. You'd have to be there to find out more!

Get your tickets from me NOW. $10 each =)

Today was probably the weirdest day. I finished at 4.30pm and had nothing to do. It felt strange and awkward going home in the light of the day. Oh well. To distract myself on the way home, I watched Nine on the bus. Really good film. And I'm not talking about Tim Burton's 9. I'm talking about the oscar nominee for best picture this year. NINE. It's a musical. Very art-film.

Okay, cheerios people. For now. Meanwhile, go out there and buy my tickets to Drama Night!