I don't think it's a matter of "hate". Rather, it's an inability to fully appreciate it. It's natural. Everyone has an inability to appreciate some thing or another. It just so happened that these haters are unable to appreciate Glee (and I do pity them). "Hate" is a strong word used probably as a defence mechanism for this handicapped person who may be feeling sick of being left out from not liking Glee.
So why do we love Glee?
Granted, the storyline is totally unrealistic and characters found in it may not be anywhere near a real person on earth. That said, we must face the fact that Glee really isn't meant to replicate the real world. I mean really, nobody walks down the hallway singing and dancing to music that just happens to be playing really loudly without vocals. In fact, the appeal of Glee comes from it being unrealistic. Fans or viewers, we like following a really interesting and dramatic (for the lack of a better word) plot involving real issues such as the desire to be popular, teen pregnancy, identity, and even office politics.
Coupled with all the musical numbers inter weaved within the story, we get the enjoyment of watching an unrealistic blown-up version of our world. It is in fact, a hyper reality. And just like any form of entertainment, even some sports, we invest time in watching Glee to get away from the reality we face everywhere around us. This I feel, is exactly why we love Glee. Not to mention, the amazing singing and dancing routines, as well as the really witty script writing, making for a highly engaging and a fun experience for us.