Friday, 18 June 2010


It's really strange how things are turning out. It's kinda funny, but at the same time, it is the stupidest thing that has happened in a while. For one, it sucks because now I'm being misjudged. Oh, and I'm still not a real person with any feelings. Great.

Funny, isn't it, how it's all happening so quickly? And then after a while, everyone sees me differently.

Hello world, I'm an actual person, and I have real feelings.

And my knee still hurts, by the way.

I just watched The Blindside. It's really nice to know that there still are people out there who are so compassionate and who care for another person, just because he or she knows that the person receiving this act of compassion is a fellow human being with actual feelings, and would feel happy about it.

Same thing with people who do bad.
Piss someone off and he would naturally get aggravated - either sad or angry.
(Not PMS-y. Cos the person has actual feelings too)