The crowd empties out
The theatre is quiet again
this time though
is closing night
The final performance
Turn off the big lights
It is time to take your leave
and finally leave the scene
the final curtain call
the final bow
Even if the Microphones were screwed
Even if the sounds and lights were messed up
Even if our set fell short of decent
Even if we sang a tiny bit off key
months of intense labour
Blood sweat and tears
tell us that to ourselves
we can safely step back,
admire the bigger picture
and say that, actually,
it was just perfect.
Watching the backdrop going up
the flybar rising
I smiled and thought to myself
it may not be good,
but to me it's perfect
One of the few moments when it truly is.
The memories of waiting in the wings
in anticipation of our moment on stage
amidst the excitement
with all our new-found companions
who all share the common interest in pleasing the crowd
These memories trump the excitement in the audience
The show might have ended
But these memories are the things that will live on forever
these memories are the ones which we look to for when the going gets tough
and we need to find a reason for doing what we are doing.
These are the memories which will stand out among the rest
many years from now
for it was an immense effort to put on the show
and yet we managed
and at the same time quenching our thirst
for what the theatre had to offer us
This is what went through my mind
on the night of my fourth, and my last Drama Night in VJC.
To everyone with whom I've had the opportunity to work, thank you for being part of this memory of mine.
And to everyone who's been giving me the support and the strength to carry on, I truly appreciate it. Thank you.
To the juniors of Drama Club, I wish you good luck and all the best in your future endeavours. You've been great.