Okay so people, i will be departing for the most awesomest Geography trip tomorrow. We're leaving from school by coach at 12.30pm tomorrow. and we'll be back by Tuesday night. If you don't like Geography, you're really sad. Yes, I'm talking to you, Lucas!! Roar.
Hah well, CTs are over! Finally. It's about time we got our lives back. HOWEVER! I still haven't gotten the chance to watch Alice in Wonderland. Pisses me off just to hear about other people watching it. Like my brother, who's watched it TWICE. Annoying.
The TSD paper was so strange. I actually had things to say for Restoration Comedy. I have one word for that. LOL. And you know what, I get the feeling that the TSD paper was really long. Three hours, essays non-stop. Sorry, lah. I don't take lit, so how would I know right?
Okay anyways, I'm off the Kuantan and KL guys, see you people soon. In the meantime, do unwind and have fun because Term One has just ended and the March break is here =)