Egad, I quite despise mosquito bites. Me thinks I have two; both on my feet.
The thorns upon roses itch less, stap my vitals.
If that wasn't comprehensible, don't panic. It's called olden English. More specifically, the language found in The Relapse. A good play by John Vanbrugh in the style of Restoration Comedy. Of course, I made up that sentence above.
Anyways. Let's see...
Well, basically I've been deprived of rest. I came home last night all droopy and dreary, and this morning i came to class (yes, droopy and dreary) with the worst eye bags ever. And being born with them doesn't help. It's okay if I look like a panda, I JUST NEED TO REST!
And just to top it all off, the cherry on the cake; the creme de la creme; lo and behold, everyone - the critical commentary. The CC. A 2500-words academic essay for TSD on my Individual Skill (Acting). DUE FRIDAY FML. For those of you who thought taking up TSD would have been so much better, YOU ARE SO WRONG. It's unimaginable what we have to go through. Compared to like, Chem, or something.
Okay guys, I'm done whiling my time away. It's 10.20pm. WAY past bed time, but I have no choice. Let's start work.
Breath, everyone.